If you suffer from twitching eyes, eyelid tics or spasms around the eye, it will be comforting to know that this is a common problem. Many people report these symptoms, which usually consist of the bottom lid of one eye seeming to act independently of the rest of the eye. However, it is not always the bottom lid and in some people the upper eyelid has been known to twitch instead.
Although these symptoms can be annoying and distracting, eye twitching often comes and goes and you may experience it at several points in your life. Such twitching can last a few days or longer, sometimes weeks and even months. If you have been experiencing eye twitching for a prolonged period of time, this article can shed light on the causes of this and how to make some lifestyle changes which may help.
However, at Vision Direct we always advise speaking to your doctor or optician if you have experienced these symptoms for a prolonged period of time, as they will notice if there is an underlying issue with your eyes or vision.